
Drug Trafficking Charges in Florence TX: The Things You Should to Know

Drug trafficking charges in Florence TX are related to the transport, distribution, or manufacturing of drugs and controlled substances. Frequently, it takes just a small amount of the substance to qualify for the charge, but the penalties are always serious if you are deemed guilty of the crime.

Fines: The amount you’ll be expected to pay will vary quite a bit. The judge will have a look at your background, the circumstances of the situation, the type of substance involved, and the amount of the drug in question. Fees normally range from $25,000 to $100,000, though a conviction at a federal level could result in up to a $10 million fee.

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Prison/Jail: Drug trafficking charges in Florence TX usually result in jail time, even if you’re a first-time offender. Even so, a proficient drug defense attorney may be able to have your charges decreased or dropped, so it’s vital to find a qualified professional to avoid spending time behind bars.

Probation: Probation for drug trafficking charges in Florence TX is not very common, though it’s one of the better circumstances if your attorney is able to secure a plea deal for you.

Clearly, the penalties for drug trafficking charges in Florence TX are very serious, and to avoid a prolonged sentence and high fines, you need to have a skilled defense attorney working with you.

Find an Attorney

You’ll find criminal defense attorneys on the State Bar website, published in specialty organization indexes, and in in internet directories. Make sure you center your search on those who specialize in drug trafficking charges, as this necessitates greater skill and aptitude than a simple drug charge like possession.

Get Info

Many legal professionals will offer no-obligation case evaluations and it’s in your best interests to make use of them whenever possible. Treat each one as if you’re evaluating the lawyer for a job. Ask about his history, experience, and track record. You’ll also need to find out which strategies he might apply to your legal matter and what he thinks the best and worst-possible outcomes are. Be skeptical of any person who sugarcoats the penalties. You should have a straight-shooter, so that you can be prepared for each likely outcome.

At Austin Interstate Drug Lawyer, we provide info on how to handle charges, as well as a listing of legal professionals who know how to properly take care of drug trafficking charges in Florence TX. Even though it’s necessary to hire someone you feel at ease with and sure about, it’s equally important to make a choice fairly quickly, as your attorney will need time to evaluate the events and facts of your case, in order to make a strong defense. Set aside a second to review the different profiles, speak to the individuals you believe are a good fit for your case, and schedule your case evaluations as quickly as possible.

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